Mustards Grill (Napa Valley)

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Mustards Grill is my "go-to" for my happy endings in Napa. Mustard's has yet to disappoint me. Located on Highway 29, it is often always our last stop to grab a fulfilling bite before heading back to the Bay Area.

Mustard's is fun, upbeat and classy at the same time. After a day of wine tasting, Mustards is our pit stop to sober up a little and indulge in California style comfort food.  Mustards serves sustainable and farm-fresh ingredients grown right in their own backyard. Eating healthy New American comfort food feeds the soul and lessens the guilt of fermenting our livers in Napa's finest wines.

E and I found ourselves at Mustards once again after an afternoon of wine tasting at BV Vineyard. Our friend blurted out, "Now I feel like a good fulfilling meal." They went home but my guy and I acted on her wish and went to Mustards. The place was packed so we opted to sit at the bar.

Despite imbibing on wines at BV, I left the winery just a little bit tipsy. My flute of delicious Napa Mumm Champagne brought me to the finish line. When I arrived at Mustards, I was just slightly inebriated. When  I left the place. I was "feeling no pain"-- if you catch my drift. Needless to say, I was one very happy girl.

I could not resist the lure of Sweet Corn Tamales, cultivated and wild mushrooms, tomatillo-avocado salsa, pumpkin seeds  10.75 as our appetizer. Glad I tried it but will not get it again next time. It was good and dense but I did not like that it was a little too sweet for me.

I really just wanted a small and simple meal. I ordered the Grilled Ahi, basil aioli, pickled ginger, a classic  15.50. It totally hit the spot and I even took half of it home. The fish was really fresh and the flavors were light despite the aioli. I loved it! And the fries were crisp, hot and really good!

My guy ordered the Grilled lamb with grilled polenta $37. I got to enjoy his leftovers. The lamb was very nice and not gamey while the polenta was comforting, smooth and very flavorful.

$90 including tax and tip


Mustards is always going to be a part of my good memories of my trips to Napa.  For many years, it continues to feed not just our alcohol-whetted appetites. It is a place to park our alcohol-addled minds and happily tipsy selves. A meal at Mustards seems to always hit the part of the soul that has already gotten a full dose of friendship, laughters, wines and Napa Valley sun every time we take a trip to the Wine Country.

One thing I love about Mustards Grill is that the prices are really reasonable even for dinner. If you will not follow my guy's appetite for the pricier items on the menu (meat), it is possible to leave Mustards filled and satisfied at less than $25 per person (with wine or cocktail and tip.)

Mustards will continue to be my pit stop before I head back home to the Bay Area, and take home not only bottles of fine wines with me, warm sunshine, tired but happy friends but add more to the pages of good dining memories served at this 29 year old Napa Valley institution.

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