Simple Joys #5: Colors of Fall

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Every season has its colors. Summer is a burst of  yellow sunflowers. Spring is a riot of soft pastels. In winter the earth turns into different shades of  brown and darkness while in the fall, the world turns into a beautiful shade of orange, muted red and subtle hues of green. 

Everywhere I look, whether in nature, on the ground or display windows, I see vivid colors of orange. Pumpkins are peeking from patios or at markets right next to bushels of squash and apples.  The last blooms before the frost are in vases at flower shops. The colors promise of solitude, the scents of spices and the deliciousness of everything and anything pumpkin.  In the fall, simple joys find me and surround me. These are some of the many reasons why I love fall. (Can you see me taking a picture? I take pictures of everything fall!)

What do you love about autumn/fall?

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